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Sunday, August 22, 2010

Energy drives from both the plus and negatives

Humans love destruction.Destruction is what humans need to survive we take pleasure in others pain and suffering.We hurt other without a second thought.Us as a species believe that we  do so much good when that's all we do is destroy everything we touch including ourselves.We keep the balance in the world or at least we try to.Our negative energy is consuming everything our people our planet the other animals on the planet.Some people are afraid of certain beast and creatures on the planet when we are the most dangerous and fierce beast.No animal stands any chance against our guns.Entire species have been destroyed because of us.War is our answer to solving things.Eventually everything will be destroyed.You can say that we wont be affected by this problem but we already are.Us as people are so stuck in our ideas and our little bubbles that we don't even know it.We don't even know that we are slaves to society and life's plan or us.So we continue world spread destruction,pollution to each others minds and spirits.

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